Omega Hospital is among Louisiana's leading specialty surgical hospitals devoted to providing the best quality, value, and personalized service in an exceptional environment for our community of patients, physicians, and colleagues. Every doctor, surgeon, nurse, and therapist at Omega is a specialist in caring for patients. Our goal is to treat every Omega patient with the finest medical care and unheard of personal attention.
The mission of Omega Hospital is to provide excellent patient care in response to the healthcare needs of the community. In support of our mission, we are committed to:
Compassion: Our sympathetic awareness of each patient’s needs.
Integrity: Our dedication to honesty.
Excellence: Our commitment to exceed the highest standards of care.
Safety: Our dedication to creating a safe environment for all patients, physicians and staff.
Teamwork: Our commitment to work together to provide the best surgical experience to all of our patients.
We will exceed the expectations of those served, maintain standards of the highest quality and promote a rewarding work environment for every staff and physician.